Sunday, June 9, 2013

MISSOULIAN EDITORIAL: East  Broadway site best fit for Missoula College

Click on the link below to read a Missoulian editorial regarding the future site for the Missoula College.

MISSOULIAN EDITORIAL: East  Broadway site best fit for Missoula College

Below are comments by missoula schools watchdog on this topic alluding to Missoula's traditions and changes to our city.

Let's start at the last sentence in the Missoulian editorial: "and save the inevitable battle over the future of the South Campus for another day."
Why does there have to be more battles over the golf course property?  What more do us Missoulians have to do to let the people who represent us know that we wish the golf course to be left alone, period?!  Do we have to continually fight for our Missoula traditions?  Is this what a representative government is all about?  I think not. 
It is difficult living in Missoula at this time for many of us long time Missoulians.  It seems that our very way of life with our many traditions is constantly being threatened from every corner.
Gone are many of our neighborhood schools, gone is McCormick Pool, gone is the Fox theater,  Our beautiful historic Carnegie library has been so altered that if you were a Missoulian that used this library as a child or an adult there is nothing left to bring back memories of the once beautiful library.
Many of our parks were radically changed at the hands of Donna Gaukler and company. Many of our roads have been so altered it brings on a headache just thinking about them.
The future of horse racing, a wonderful past time which we Missoulians have enjoyed for almost a century, is at risk. 
 Another Missoula landmark just literally bit the dust, the Trails End bar. This site is slated to become the new Poverello Center. What an injustice to our children that live in this area; Lowell School is just 3 to 4 blocks away.  This site would be better for a commercial enterprise. The site at the old Liberty Lanes bowling alley would have served the community better if it was also commercially used instead of using it for Agenda 21 type housing.
Shame on you politicians for not recognizing that these landmarks and traditions are part of the fabric of Missoula, a city which was once far more relaxed and easy to live in.
We need new leadership in this city, ASAP, before it goes further down the tubes.
In closing, I would like to thank the people who banned together to form Advocates for Missoula's Future.  It is my belief that his group speaks for the majority of Missoulians.  I hope in a future statement that this group will continue to support the Fort location for the Missoula College, the location that was recommended many years ago after a thorough study.

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