Article titled "UNESCO - The Greatest Danger to America's Youth"

msw just came across an interesting article on the website. It is titled, "UNESCO - The Greatest Danger to America's Youth".

msw does not see a link to the article at this time, however, one can access it on the above website.

The article is written by Lillian Moore Roberts. Roberts wrote the article for the Freedom Club in 1952. According to the website, the article is just as relevant today as it was in the '50's.

The International Baccalaureate Program, IB for short, is one of the most prominent, if not the most prominent NGO (non-governmental organizations) of UNESCO.

See list below from the wikipedia site:
There is a section on UNESCO and NGO's in the information provided on the wikipedia site for UNESCO which begins with the following paragraph and ends with a list of some NGO's."UNESCO enjoys official relations with 322 international non-governmental organizations (NGOs).[45] Most of these are what UNESCO calls "operational", a select few are "formal".[46] The highest form of affiliation to UNESCO is "formal associate", and the 22 NGOs[47] with formal associate (ASC) relations occupying offices at UNESCO are:"International Baccalaureate (IB)
  1. Co-ordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS)
  2. Education International (EI)
  3. International Association of Universities (IAU)
  4. International Council for Film, Television and Audiovisual Communication (IFTC)
  5. International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies (ICPHS) which publishes Diogenes
  6. International Council for Science (ICSU)
  7. International Council of Museums (ICOM), whose Director General is currently Mr Julien Anfruns
  8. International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE)
  9. International Council on Archives (ICA)
  10. International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
  11. International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
  12. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
  13. International Federation of Poetry Associations (IFPA)
  14. International Music Council (IMC)
  15. International Scientific Council for Island Development (INSULA)
  16. International Social Science Council (ISSC)
  17. International Theatre Institute (ITI)
  18. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)
  19. International Union of Technical Associations and Organizations
  20. Union of International Associations (UIA)
  21. World Association of Newspapers (WAN)
  22. World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO)
  23. World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations (WFUCA)

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