Monday, June 25, 2012

Private School Review featuring Missoula International School

The link below gives information on Missoula International School.  All Missoula residents need to be concerned with the advertising of Missoula International School (MIS) as this private school is leasing one of our public schools, Prescott School in the lower Rattlesnake. The more MIS grows, the more money MCPS loses.

Notice that MIS is using the wonderful Prescott School Building in its advertising.  And why not? Prescott is one of Missoula's most treasured neighborhood schools, which has housed public school students for more than a century!

What does this lease mean for Missoula County Public Schools?  Leasing a public school to a private school undermines the school district financially as public school students are enrolling in this private school. Every child is worth thousands of dollars to the school district in state funding, approximately $5,000. A math professor stated just last July that the Prescott School/Missoula International School lease is costing the district $500,000/year!!  

However, school district Trustees and administrators turn a blind eye to the facts and are taking risks by approving the lease in 2004 and extending the lease in 2008 and in 2011. Missoula International School will have occupied Prescott School for a total of 13 years!

Can you just imagine the millions of dollars in lost revenues to MCPS due to leasing Prescott School to Missoula International School?!

Missoula International School needs to find a different location and Prescott School needs to be re-opened to public school students; this school as well as all public schools were built for public school children.

Private School Review featuring Missoula International School

(Click link to open)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Missoula County Public Schools hears feedback on education changes : Missoulian: News and Resources for Western Montana

Missoula County Public Schools hears feedback on education changes : Missoulian: News and Resources for Western Montana

Radiation advisory from the German Federal Agency for Radiation Protection

msw posted links to these articles, however, was not able to comment on why they were posted and what they had to do with each other. msw is now able to answer these questions.

The first article is in regard to the district going in a different direction in regard to its curriculum.
The article explains that new technology is to be incorporated into Missoula's educational landscape.  One young student in the article is in favor of adding laptops. 

The second article from Germany addresses the dangers of today's technology and issues an advisory in a January 2006 press release on the use of cell phones.

These articles are connected in that in the first one Missoula's school district is going in the direction of MORE technology, which msw understands includes wireless, and in the second a European country is issuing warnings that electro-pollution may hazardous to one's health.

The school district needs to step back and take a look at the warnings regarding today's technological aids and make sure our children are safe when they are attending Missoula's schools.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Current Trustees Have Proven Themselves Unreliable in Making Responsible Facility Decisions for MCPS

On the Agenda for the next Superintendent's Cabinet Meeting is an Update on Facility Planning.


This group of Trustees: Chairwoman Toni Rehbein, Scott Bixler, Joe Toth, Michael Smith, Joseph Knapp, and Shelly Wills, and Adam Duerk (elementary Trustees), Jim Sadler, Drake Lemm, Marcia Holland, and Debbie DuPree (high school Trustees) ARE NOT LOYAL TO MISSOULA COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS!

During the tenure of most of these Trustees Missoulians have lost much of our valuable neighborhood school infrastructure. These Trustees have divested Missoulians of Roosevelt School in a sweetheart deal to a private school.  Under the leadership (?) of many of these Trustees three of our schools have been closed, Rattlesnake Middle School, Prescott School, and Mount Jumbo School. Under the leadership (?) of ALL of these Trustees a questionable lease of Prescott School to a private school, Missoula International School was extended for five years.  Under the leadership (?) of All of these Trustees a modular was approved for Rattlesnake School due to the overcrowding at Rattlesnake School. According to the principal at Rattlesnake School overcrowding has been ongoing for 3 years. Disloyal Trustees approved an extension of Prescott School only 7 months prior to the modular decision. Prescott School is just down the road approximatley a mile from Rattlesnake School.

The above are only a few of the shortsighted, disloyal, and harmful decisions made by the above Trustees.  

msw repeats: 

Current Trustees have proved themselves to be unreliable in making responsible facility decisions for MCPS !!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The 2004 school closures - the pain will be with us the rest of our lives

Today the pain and the bad memories of the 2004 closure of Rattlesnake Middle School flooded back during a walk around the school.

During the closures and in the days following the closures when the Rattlesnake Valley's, East Missoula's, and Lowell School area 6th - 8th graders were transferred and bused to other schools, a fellow parent said, "This pain  [due to the closure of Rattlesnake Middle School]  will probably be with us the rest of our lives."  How right this friend was!  Eight years later and the pain just doesn't seem to go away. 

The pain comes back when driving past the school and seeing all the little children on the playground instead of the older children, the age of the children that were attending the school only a few years ago. It comes back when looking into the rooms and seeing little desks, not larger ones. It comes back when one remembers the science teacher's (Mr. Dunn) beautiful red geraniums in the window and when one remembers a 7th grade son hanging out with friends on the playground while driving by. It comes back when remembering parent-teacher conferences in the gym and in that same gym two son's 8th grade graduations. (The 8th grade graduations from Washington Middle School now need to be held in the Big Sky gym as the school is now so big.) And how wonderful were Mr. Schuberg's band concerts - they will never be forgotten by students, parents, and teachers. Gone is the Starlighters Ball. Gone are the RMS athletic teams, along with many other traditions.

The pain is not only due to the closure but also to the injustice of the decision, made in only 48 days!  The decision did not make sense. And no matter what people said the Trustees did not listen.  msw believes that the closure of not only Rattlesnake Middle School but Prescott and Mount Jumbo Schools was one of the most harmful decisions in Missoula County Public Schools history.

A loyal and responsible Trustee pointed out that all of the Rattlesnake, East Missoula, and Lowell area's children could attend a neighborhood school if the district converted to a K-8 configuration, which was the tradition prior to 1980. She stated that this plan would be radical, however, less radical than the closure of three schools.  These closures have negatively effected our entire school district (and county taxpayers wallets  as well).

We can go on with our lives, but there will never be closure. My friend was right - the pain will never go away and will be with us the rest of our lives. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Who told Principal Seidensticker that Prescott and Mount Jumbo Schools were not to be considered to deal with overcrowding at Rattlesnake School?

Rattlesnake Elementary at capacity; some students may be transferred : Missoulian: News and Resources for Western Montana

Many Rattlesnake Valley residents were in disbelief when they read the headlines of the above Missoulian articled titled, "Rattlesnake Elementary at capacity; some students may be transferred", (see link) on Monday, February 13, 2012. Why?  Only 7-8 months prior to this article Missoula County Public Schools approved the extension of the lease of Prescott School to the private school Missoula International School for another 5 years. 

To review, Prescott School along with Rattlesnake Middle School, and Mount Jumbo School in East Missoula were closed on March 25, 2004 in a hurried and controversial process. msw is of the opinion that that the school closures were not only unnecessary and have not saved the district money, but in fact have cost the district thousands if not millions of dollars due to unforeseen consequences.

Additionally, in 2004, citizens voiced their opinion that there will be an enrollment increase in the years ahead and that it was shortsighted to close any of the three schools. This enrollment increase has already begun and will continue!

Readers of msw may want to check out the blog post, "Jacobs Decision" or Google "Jacobs Decision".  In this document one can read about some of the corruption involved during the school closure process. It reveals some of the details of open meeting law violations by the school board in 2004.

Immediately after the 2004 closures, Missoula International School wrote a letter to the district requesting to lease Prescott School. Was MIS prompted to write a letter by any of the current and/or future MCPS Trustees? Perhaps we will never know.  The lease was approved at the June 8th, 2004 School Board Meeting despite warnings by a math professor and others that it was not in the best interests of the school district or the neighborhood. 

After reading the newspaper article linked above a citizen called the principal of Rattlesnake School, Mr. Seidensticker.The principal was not available at the time of the call, however, returned the call later on that same day.

The conversation with Mr. Seidensticker centered on the idea that, in this citizen's opinion, Prescott School, just down the road from Rattlesnake School, needed to be considered for reopening before busing more Rattlesnake Valley children out of the neighborhood. Using  neighborhood schools for the area's children makes the most sense and is the most fair for all of Missoula's children. Our public schools were built and maintained for public school children, not to be leased to private schools, according to this citizen, and which msw wholeheartedly agrees.

Principal Seidensticker stated that he was told that reopening Prescott School and Mt. Jumbo School was NOT to be considered in dealing with the overcrowding of Rattlesnake School. 

Who told Mr. Seidensticker this? Was it Toni Rehbein, the past President of Missoula International School, who has voiced many times her support for her daughter's former school?  Was it Superintendent Apostle?  Was it Heather Davis Schmidt, the new regional director of this area of Missoula's schools?

Whoever told Mr. Seidensticker not to consider the reopening of Prescott School to deal with the capacity issues at Rattlesnake School was clearly favoring the private school, Missoula International School over public school students in direct violation of their duties.

Missoula County Public Schools - May 15th Special Meeting Agenda

May 15, 2012   MCPS Special Meeting

missoulaschoolswatchdog is reserching the process used to procure bids for the modulars at Rattlesnake School and Lowell School. 

First, msw is of the opinion that MCPS was negligent in not exploring other options to the overcrowding at these two schools before embarking on the expense of modulars.

Secondly, MCPS is rushing the process of procurring bids and awarding bids.  Why is MCPS discussing bidding at a special meeting of the Board. msw had observed over a 10 year period that bids are usually handled at Finance and Operations Committee Meetings and then forwarded to the monthly MCPS Board Meeting.  As the recommendation at the end of the modular topic states (see below) the bids were to be approved at the June 8th Board Meeting.  According to the minutes of this meeting the bid was awarded AT THIS MEETING.


On the MCPS website, there is a link to an agenda to a special meeting on May 15th. (see below)
There was also a MCPS Budget Meeting on the same evening, May 15th.

More questions to come I'm sure -

msw would like to state that other important life activities could have taken the place of the time taken to look into this issue. It would be preferable if citizens wouldn't need to be watching every little action by Missoula's School Board Trustees and for that matter other government officials.  We need to hold Trustees accountable for their mistakes and the money they needlessly add to the budget every year. One way to do this is to shed light on corruption - which msw is attempting to do in an admittedly small way. msw would like to encourage others to start their blogs about any wrongdoing they might see and perhaps we can return Missoula's schools to a place that children can really thrive in a caring and educationally sound environment. 
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

6:00 p.m.

Business Building Boardroom 915 South Avenue West

Note: If:you have questions regarding the agenda, please contact the Superintendent's Office
(728-2400, ext. 1023, prior to the meeting).
Board of Trustees: Toni Rehbein, Chair, Scott Bixler, Debbie Dupree, Marcia Holland, Joe Knapp,

Amended item #6 below
1. Call to Order
2. Canvass the May 8, 2012 Election Ballots
3. Accept Canvass
of May 8, 2012 Election (Action)
4. Issue Certificates of Election, Administer Oaths of Office and Seat Trustees
5. Board Reorganization

I. Election of Board Officers (Action)
Elementary Vice-chair
Secondary Vice-chair

II. Appoint Clerk for 2011-2012 (Action)
III. Appoint Grants Designee for 2011-2012 (Action)

6. Topic: Award Modular Classroom Bid
Lowell & Rattlesnake Schools
(Elem) (Action)
Background Information:
At the April 10th, Board meeting, Trustees granted
permission to solicit bids for the construction of modulars located at Lowell and
Rattlesnake schools. The District received four responses to the bid.

The bids were opened on May 8
th, and the results are as follows:

Vendor Bid Amount
Sirius Construction $417,147

MKC $432,836

Western Interstate $449,000

Lower Construction $467,062

Administrative Recommendation:
Administration recommends that Trustees

award the Rattlesnake and Lowell modular bid to Sirius Construction. at the June

12, 2012 regular Board meeting on the Consent Agenda.

7. Adjourn

Note:  msw used cut and paste from the document on the MCPS website for the Agenda of the May 15th Special Meeting listed under the Board Meeting posts in order to post the agenda on the msw blog.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Missoulian article on expanding the International Baccalaureate Program to the entire school of Lewis and Clark!

Today's Missoulian reported on the the International Baccalaureate Program expanding into the lower grades in Misosula's schools in a front page article titled, "Missoula's Lewis and Clark Elementary may adopt International Baccalaureate program" (online title) and "Holistic curriculum being mulled" with subtitle, "approach similar to Hellgate High's considered for elementary school" (newspaper copy).  Already the International Baccalaureate Program (IB) is being implemented at Hellgate High School with a class starting in the fall.  There have been Missoulian articles reporting that the IB program may also be implemented at other high schools in Missoula.

A statement in the article reads,"Unlike the program at Hellgate High School, all  (emphasis by msw) of Lewis and Clark would be designated a Primary Years Programme institution. At Hellgate, students can choose whether to join the IB program."  A whole school dedicated to the IB program - this is getting out of control. It seems that there is no end to spending on unneeded programs by this district.

Note:  msw is unable to provide a link to the Missoulian article at this time - technology is not one of msw's strongest traits!  msw will try again later.
missoulaschoolswatchdog (msw) has serious concerns regarding adding the IB program to any of our schools, at any level, from grade school to high school. In the past couple of years msw has been researching the IB program and has found many reasons why a school district needs to take a pass on IB.

One fairly recent article written exposing the IB program is, "International Baccalaureate Unraveled."

The link to this article is provided below. It is quite long, however, the IB issue needs a comprehensive and detailed study which Niva accomplishes beautifully.

This article was placed in a School Board packet this year so that School Board Trustees could read the information. To msw knowledge no Trustees have commented on the article; therefore it is unknown if any of them have read it.

International Baccalaureate Unraveled by Debra Niva

P.S. msw attended Lewis and Clark School from first through third grades.  It saddens me to think of the changes that have taken place over the years at this school and other Missoula schools. It seems that life was simpler and more joyful for children back then. When children would arrive at Lewis and Clark early in the morning they could go to the gym and watch the cheerleaders practice their cheers - here is a long lost cheer from L&C from the '60's - "Thunder, Thunder, Thunderation, we're the Lewis and Clark congregation!" (Missoula had a K-8 school system until the early 1980's.)  msw is a proponet of K-8 schools.

Roosevelt School Sale Supreme Court Document found on the web

Roosevelt School Sale Supreme Court document

msw is  posting the above link to the Roosevelt School Sale Supreme Court document so citizens can take a look at some of the issues surrounding the sale of Roosevelt. The Supreme Court did not exactly rule on the merits of the case, just how the litigant, Good Schools Missoula, did not follow the correct legal path to bring about the reversal of the sale.

As msw does not have time to delve into some of the details of the case, msw will post only the above comment for the time being. 

However, in closing, the sale of Roosevelt School, in msw's opinion was one of the worst decisions in Missoula County Public School's history.  It is painful for many people to drive by the school as losing Roosevelt School was such an important part of Missoula's public school infrastructure and a tragedy for the neighborhood children and to the city itself.

Your Turn: IB’s association with UNESCO is hardly a school takeover plot | New Hampshire LOCALVOICES

Your Turn: IB’s association with UNESCO is hardly a school takeover plot | New Hampshire LOCALVOICES

The June 8th edition of the Missoulian reported on expanding the International Baccalaureate Program to the lower grades. MCPS is thinking about transforming an entire school, Lewis and Clark School, into an IB school.  It is the opinion of msw that this is just the latest of the many malevolent plans taking place in the administrative offices of Missoula's school district.

The above link was suggested by Gaston in the comment section of the June 8th Missoulian mentioned above. msw has not read the above article, however, is looking forward to doing so. 

Thanks to Gaston for the suggestion and other suggested reading material on the International Baccalaureate Program which msw plans to share as time permits.

Is Missoula's International Baccalaureate Program linked to the UN's Agenda 21?

Is the International Baccalaureate Program, a program that Missoula County Public Schools is eagerly embracing, linked to the United Nation"s Agenda 21?  Earlier this year msw did some research and looked into the above question. Using the unbelievable power of Google one can find articles which provide an answer to this question, which is a big YES.

The two words that msw typed into Google Search is International Baccalaureate and Agenda 21.  Or type in "Is there a link between the International Baccalaureate Program and Agenda 21?" One article that msw found interesting is -

American Alert - 21 Signs Agenda 21 is in your Community

This article lists 21 Signs which give citizens clues as to whether the UN's Agenda 21 is in their community. 

Number 18 concerns the education of our children.  It states -


Another great source of information regarding the International Baccalaureate Program is the Truth About IB website. The link is below.

truthaboutib website link

 msw recommends citizens look into Agemda 21.  A starting point could be reading the information that wikipedia provides on it's site. Wikipedia's report on IB is easy to understand and covers a lot of aspects of Agenda 21.  msw will in time attempt to link to this document.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Missoula County Public Schools many times synonymous to Missoula County Painful Schools

Missoula County Public Schools could often be called by another name, Missoula County Painful Schools.  For many Missoula citizens throughout the years the above moniker has been appropriate.  Why?  MCPS administrators and trustees have made many decisions which have negatively effected the everyday life and education of Missoula's children, teachers, staff, and other citizens. 

msw will list some of the negative actions that have taken place throughout the years by MCPS and periodically update this information by adding on to the list as other actions come to mind.


The 2004 school closures.  MCPS closed THREE schools in March of 2004, Rattlesnake Middle School, Prescott School, and Mount Jumbo School.  The closures took place after only 48 days of deliberation, from February 5 to March 25 resulting in a decision at one o'clock in the morning after 7 hours of heated discussion. 

:Closing Roosevelt School.

Leasing Roosevelt School to a private school, St. Joseph's School.

Leasing Prescott School to a private school, Missoula International School.

Extending the lease of Roosevelt School in November of 2004, rather than in when the lease expired, msw believes in June of 2004.

Selling Roosevelt School, encumbered with a 5 year lease at a lease price that some say was lower that market value, thus contributing to a sweetheart sale.

Closing Lincoln School.

Selling Lincoln School.

Closing Central School.

Selling Central School.

Closing Emma Dickinson School.

Closing Jefferson School.

Starting expensive programs when economic times are difficult, such as the International Baccalaureate Program (IB).

Planning to extend the International Baccalaureate Program to the lower grades.

Not being honest with the public on the total cost of the IB program.

Not releasing information to a watchdog group, Montana Policy Institute.  MPI requested information on the costs and revenue for the MCPS budget as well as all Montana school districts.  This information has never been released even though the institute has stated it would not cost the district any money.


This list will be ongoing as time permits.  msw believes that it will be quite long.